Put the verbs into passive voice. Pay attention to the TENSES: Present Simple, past
Simple. Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Future simple (вертайте увагу на прислівники, бо від них залежить, у якому часі ставити дісслово)
35 баллов
1) The musical instruments (play) .....
every day
2) The violin (buy)....already
3) Tomorrow They (bring)..... to the station
4) This guitar (buy) ... now in the shop
5) All the musical instruments (sell) in different musical shops


Ответ дал: ExplorerMax2020

1) Musical instruments are played every day.

2) The violin has already been bought.

3) They will be brought to the station tomorrow.

4) This guitar is being bought now in the shop.

5) All the musical instruments are sold in different musical shops.

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