Decide which are the best and the worst paid jobs in Britain.

a nurse in a hospital
a minor in the coalmine
a shopassistant
a worker in a factory
a bank manager
a dentist
a schoolteacher
a professional footballer
a nuclear scientist
a coach driver
an engineer
a bus conductor
a highlypaid job
get a good salary
get a lot of money
paid a lot 
paid reasonably well
a low-paid job
have a low income
the worst paid
get even less
the same paid

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Ответ дал: ПаниГжешечка
a professional footballer is a highlypaid job
a nuclear scientist is overpaid
a bank manager gets a good salary
a dentist is paid a lot 
an engineer is paid reasonably well 
a minor in the coalmine gets a lot of money
a schoolteacher is a low-paid job 
a worker in a factory has a low income 
a nurse in a hospital is underpaid 
a shopassistant is the same paid
a coach driver gets even less 
a bus conductor is the worst paid 

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