2 Look at the food Ollie and Emma bought for a party and complete the sentences below using some, a lot of, much, many or any. You need to use some of them more than once. Ollie 2 pizzas 12 cartons of juice bread cheese 0 Ollie bought some bread. 1 Emma bought share with friends. 2 Ollie bought 3 How 4 Emma didn't buy 5 Ollie bought friends like it. Emma bought too Emma 12 bags of crisps 30 packets of sweets 5 cakes 20 chocolate bars 6 7 Ollie didn't buy Emma was buying. packets of sweets to cakes did Emma buy? pizzas, but not very many. healthy food. juice because he knows his chocolate! cakes because he knew. срочно К.Р 40 баллов отмечу как лучший!!!!!​



Ответ дал: Аноним


1.too many

2. some

3. many


5. A lot of

6. many

7.any, some


markysmaks2: спс
Аноним: пожалуйста)
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