помогите пожалуйста, срочно​



Ответ дал: Varixxy
Where can you buy a toy car ?
In the toy store

Where can you buy bread ?
At the bakery

Where can you buy cheese ?
At the dairy
Where can you buy Apples?
At the greengrocers
Where can you buy a dress ?
At the market
Ответ дал: MaryciaHry


Where can you buy coffee?

- I can buy coffee at the confectionery.

Where can you buy juice?

- I can buy juice in the supermarket.

Where can you buy apples?

- I can buy apples at the grocer's.

Where can you buy a dress?

- I can buy a dress at the market

Where can you buy cheese?

- I can buy cheese at the supermarket

Where can you buy a toy car?

- I can buy a toy car in the toy store

Where can you buy bread?

- I can buy bread at the baker's

Where can you buy tomatoes?

- I can buy tomatoes at the greengrocer's

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