3 I can use the present passive to describe a process.
Complete the story about how chocolate is made using the
present passive of the verbs in the brackets.
1 are cut
Cocoa pods are picked from the trees. Then, they'__ (cut) open
with a big knife.
(take) out of the pods and wrapped in
The cocoa beans 2
banana leaves.
(leave) in the shade for one week.
Then the banana leaves
The beans
(take) out of the banana leaves and then spread out in the sun to dry.
put into large sacks.
When the beans are dry, they
The sacks are taken to the port and
factories all over the world.
(load) onto ships. Then the beans are taken to chocolate
(add) and the liquid _______ (mix).
When the cocoa beans arrive at the chocolate factory, the beans_ (roast). Then they are
turned into liquid. Next, milk and sugar
Then the liquid chocolate is 10
When the chocolate bars are dry, they
(pour) into chocolate bar shapes.
(put) into boxes. Then they are taken to the shops.



Ответ дал: fokib54


Cocoa pods are picked from the trees. Then, they are cut open with a big knife. The cocoa beans are taken out of the pods and wrapped in banana leaves. The banana leaves are left in the shade for one week. The beans are then taken out of the banana leaves and spread out in the sun to dry. When the beans are dry, they are put into large sacks and taken to the port and loaded onto ships. The cocoa beans are taken to chocolate factories all over the world. When the cocoa beans arrive at the chocolate factory, they are roasted and then turned into liquid. Next, milk and sugar are added and the liquid is mixed. The liquid chocolate is then poured into chocolate bar shapes and put into boxes. Then the chocolate bars are taken to the shops.


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