(Circle) a, b, or c.
any brothers or sisters?
a Have you b Do you c Do you have
last night?
a Where you went
Where did you go
c Where you did go
3 My brother
a doesn't like b don't like c doesn't likes
a small business.
a has b haves
c have
5 I____________ to music when I'm working.
a never listen b don't never listen c listen never
a blue dress.
4 Her parents.
6 In the picture the woman
a wears b wearing c is wearing
7 A What
? B I'm looking for my keys.
a you are doing b do you do c are you doing
8 She's at university. She
a 's studing b 's studying c studying
9 We.
to Malta last August.
a were bwent c did go
10 I saw the film, but I
a didn't liked h don't liked c didn't like
11 When I got home my parents.
on the sofa.
a were sitting b was sitting c were siting
12 What
at 11 p.m.? You didn't answer my call.
a you were doing b you was doing
13 She couldn't see him because she
a wasn't wearing b didn't wear c didn't wearing
14 We went to the cinema..
we decided to go for a walk.
a After b Then c When
15 We had a great time,.
c were you doing
her glasses.
the weather wasn't very good.
a so b because c although


Ответ дал: renatahrh

1. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

(Общий вопрос. Do/does+кто/что+V1...?)

2 Where did you go last night?

(Специальный вопрос: Спец.слово+did+кто/что+V1..?)

3 My brother doesn't like football.

(He/She/it+doesn't+V1 - отрицательное предложение)

4 Her parents have small business.


5 I never listen to music when I'm working.

(Одно отрицание только возможно)

6 In the picture the woman is wearing a blue dress.

(Описание картины)

7 What are you doing?

B I'm looking for my keys.

(В данный момент -Present Continuous)

8 She's at university. She's studying history.

(В данный момент - Present Continuous)

9 We went to Malta last August.

(Past Simple -Ved/V2)

10 I saw the film, but I didn't like it.


11 When I got home my parents were sitting on the sofa.


12 What were you doing at 11 p.m.?

You didn't answer my call.

(Специальный вопрос: Спец.слово+was/were+кто/что+V1..?

13 She couldn't see him because she wasn't wearing her glasses.

(Временное действие в прошлом-Past Continuous)

14 We went to the cinema. Then we decided to go for a walk.

(Then-затем. Последовательность действий)

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