Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use Present Simple or Past Simple, Active or Passive.
1. Most of gadgets (produce) in China these days.
2. Problems with gadgets and computers usually (happen) when you do not use them correctly.
3. Sorry, but this programme (not/download) because of the system parameters.
4. Many computers (damage) by an unknown virus last week.
5. Elderly people (teach) computer literacy in the local centre because lots of things in life are digital now.
6. A drone (use) for cargo delivery in 2016 for the first time. The company which provided the drone (name)
7. This store (provide) everything you need: keyboards, mouses, memory sticks, etc.


Ответ дал: biLOLbi

Most of gadgets are produced in China these days. (Passive Voice, Present Simple)

Problems with gadgets and computers usually happen when you do not use them correctly. (Active Voice, Present Simple)

Sorry, but this programme could not be downloaded because of the system parameters. (Passive Voice, Past Simple)

Many computers were damaged by an unknown virus last week. (Passive Voice, Past Simple)

Elderly people are taught computer literacy in the local centre because lots of things in life are digital now. (Passive Voice, Present Simple)

A drone was used for cargo delivery in 2016 for the first time. The company which provided the drone was Amazon. (Passive Voice, Past Simple)

This store provides everything you need: keyboards, mouses, memory sticks, etc. (Active Voice, Present Simple)

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