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Ответ дал: Batszxx


1. Zakynthos is one of the greenest and most visited islands in Greece.

2. Tourism might be good for local economy, but it is bad for the environment and native wildlife.

3. The national Park of Zakynthos protects the Caretta turtles’ environment because they are an endangered species.

4. Anyone interested in helping out can volunteer for an eco-holiday at the park.

5. Your duties as a volunteer include building screens to protect the turtles’ nests and giving out information leaflets.

6. During the time at the park volunteers might also have to rescue and treat injured turtles.


надеюсь помог, удачи с учёбой ^^

sersnovaanastasia: Спасибо большое!
Batszxx: Всегда пожалуйста <3
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