1. Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives:great frightened clean polite sharp attractive famous deep dangerous cold interesting long large active amazing comfortable thin dim brave​


Ответ дал: danilark777




great - greater - the greatest

frightened - more frightened - the most frightened

clean - cleaner - the cleanest

polite - more polite - the most polite

sharp - sharper - the sharpest

attractive - more attractive - the most attractive

famous - more famous - the most famous

deep - deeper - the deepest

dangerous - more dangerous - the most dangerous

cold - colder - the coldest

interesting - more interesting - the most interesting

long - longer - the longest

large - larger - the largest

active - more active - the most active

amazing - more amazing - the most amazing

comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable

thin - thinner - the thinnest

dim - dimmer - the dimmest

brave - braver - the bravest

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