7 SPEAKING Complete the questions with words in Exercise 6. Then ask and answer. 1 Is there a fitness centre near your home? Do you sometimes go there? 2 Is it easy for you to learn 3 Do you prefer learning from a training. ? Why? an 4 What's your favourite music to listen to during a Why? ? or from ?​



Ответ дал: tanishenco91
  1. Is there a fitness centre near your home? Do you sometimes go there?
  2. Is it easy for you to learn languages?
  3. Do you prefer learning from a training center or from an online course? Why?
  4. What's your favourite music to listen to during a workout? Why?


  1. Yes, there is a fitness centre near my home. I go there three times a week.
  2. No, it's not easy for me to learn languages. I find it difficult to memorize vocabulary.
  3. I prefer learning from a training center because I can interact with the teacher and other students face-to-face. I find it more effective and motivating than learning online.
  4. I like to listen to upbeat and fast-paced music during a workout, like pop or electronic music. It helps me to stay energized and motivated.

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