Adverbs of manner 5 Read the sentences and answer the questions. a Dive safely. b They're moving fast/quickly. It's difficult to do it well. c d You can't learn it easily. Divers train hard. e f They hurt themselves badly. g He prepares each dive carefully. 1 Do adverbs of manner describe how we do something or how often we do something? 2 Do adverbs of manner go with the verb to be or with other verbs? 3 What are the two last letters in regular adverbs? 4 Are these adverbs regular or irregular? well fast hard late early

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Ответ дал: uzchikzagr


Adverbs of manner describe how we do something.

Adverbs of manner go with other verbs.

The two last letters in regular adverbs are -ly.

"Well," "fast," and "hard" are irregular adverbs, while "late" and "early" do not have adverb forms.

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