3 ​Complete the text. Use the verbs in brackets.
What 0 would you do (you/do) if you
1 ______________________ (win) the lottery?
2 ______________________ (you/spend) the money or try and save it? I’m terrible with money. If I ever
3 ______________________ (have) any money, I always 4 ______________________ (spend) it immediately. My mum says if
I 5 ______________________ (not/save) any,
I 6 ______________________ (always/be) poor. But I disagree. Perhaps if I 7 ______________________ (be) older I 8 ______________________ (not/be) so quick to spend it. Yesterday Mum sent Dad to buy the lottery ticket, but he forgot and our numbers came up. If he 9 ______________________ (not/forget) to buy the ticket, we
10 ______________________ (have) had a big party last night.


Ответ дал: flash77779

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you spend the money or try and save it? I’m terrible with money. If I ever had any money, I always spent it immediately. My mum says if I didn't save any, I would always be poor. But I disagree. Perhaps if I were older I wouldn't be so quick to spend it. Yesterday, Mum sent Dad to buy the lottery ticket, but he forgot and our numbers came up. If he hadn't forgotten to buy the ticket, we would have had a big party last night.

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