put a dash (-). Anna: Hey, did you hear (1) Tony: That's great. Where are you working? In (3) Anna: No. In (4). Tony: Really? Are (5) clothes very expensive? Anna: Yes, they are, and the people who buy them have got a lot of (6) Yesterday (7) news? I got (2) shop, a trendy clothes shop! Tony: Amazing! job for the summer. Tony: You're always so shy! Anna: No, that wasn't why! He wasn't watching (11) He was in it! He's (12). really famous actor! office? money guy came in. He was (8)__________ tall, handsome man with Spanish to the lady who was with him. I thought long black hair. He spoke (9) I knew him but I couldn't remember how. Anyway, last night I went to (10) cinema and I saw him again! Tony: Was he sitting near you? Did you say hello? Anna: No, I didn't! film.​ срочна нужно


Ответ дал: sakirmamatovar


1 the 2 a 3 an 4 a 5 the 6 – 7 a 8 a 9 – 10 the 11 the 12 a

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