B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. and hard work are required 1. if you want to get into a top university. 2. They've been waiting for the the first guests for half an hour. 3. Unless there's a huge weather, we'll have to cancel the festival. 4. Only a minority of the country own electric cars. in the in this 5. The football coach used various hand to communicate with the players. 6. I don't really mind when we go, but I have a slight for July. 7. My two sisters aren't talking to each other after their of INTELLIGENT ARRIVE IMPROVE POPULATE SIGN PREFER DISAGREE Score: /7 165​


Ответ дал: thebestnegativegamer

1.If you want to get into a top university, intelligent and hard work are required.
2. They've been waiting for the first guests for half an hour.

3.Unless there's a huge weather, we'll have to cancel the festival.

4.Only a minority of the population own electric cars in this country.

5.The football coach used various signs to communicate with the players.

6.I don't really mind when we go, but I have a preference for July.

7.My two sisters aren't talking to each other after their disagreement.

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