Find information about a famous piece of art,
or look at the painting in the photo with Mum
and Lucy on page 74 and the notes about it
below. Write a text about the piece of art.
Notes on Little Blue Horse (Franz Marc)
Painted 1912

Expressionism, Germany, early 20th century.
Artists were interested in emotional experiences
rather than physical reality. They used unusual
shapes and vivid colours to express emotions.
Sold to museum director Rudolf Bornschein in
1956; now exhibited in the Modern Gallery of
the Saarland Museum in Saarbrücken, Germany.

Paragraph 1: The work of art
was painted / made by ...
Paragraph 2: The art movement
This type of work is typical of ...
Paragraph 3: History of the work
was first exhibited in ...


Ответ дал: arusypabek



p1-The painting was created by the painter Franz Marc in 1912.The painting depicts a small, blue horse

p2-this type of work is typical of artists were interested in emotional experiences rather than physical reality. they used unusual shapes and bright colors to express their emotions

p3-Sold to museum director Rudolf Bornschein in

1956; now exhibited in the Modern Gallery of

the Saarland Museum in Saarbrücken, Germany.

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