ДАЮ 50 балов за выполнение 3-ох заданий все они на прилегающих фото. Прошу выполнять правильно



Ответ дал: rkatrn


1. plant flowers

2. recycle cans

3. collect rubbish

4. build nesting boxes

5. waste water
6. clean out this pond

7. read this book about ecology

8. save a lot of energy

9. a plastic bag

10. reuse


1. isn't it?

2. does she?

3. doesn't she?

4. will you?

5. didn't you?

6. have you?

7. aren't they?

8. do you?

9. is it?

10. won't he?

11. isn't she?

12. hasn't he?

13. can't she

14. isn't she?

15. don't they?


1. isn't very safe, is it?

2. is expensive, isn't it?

3. has a good voice, doesn't he?

4. be dangerous, can't it?

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