4. Choose the correct adverb to complete the gaps.
happily dreamily carefully angrily loudly
carefully angrily
1) He carried the glasses
2) She washed the dishes
3) She stared out the window
4) He ate his food
5) The car horn beeped
6) He slammed the back door
7) The children are playing
loudly clumsily hungrily
and broke three plates.
in the garden.


Ответ дал: allusiaaaa
1) he carried glasses carefully
2) she washed the dishes and broke three plates
3) she stared our the window happily
4)he ate his food hungrily
5)the car horn beeped angrily
6) he slammed the back door loudly
7) the children are playing in the garden

superasis14: тупо скопировал и вставил?
allusiaaaa: нет
allusiaaaa: умник , я сама сделала
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