Prepositions of time 9. Complete the dialogue between a reporter and a scientist using prepositions from the box.

after, at, by, during, for, in, until, in

Reporter: Can you tell me about your company's technological solutions? Scientist: Well, the company first had the idea (1) ... 1990. We wanted to find a solution to the problem of global warming, and (2) ... March the President offered a prize to the team that came up with the best idea. He gave us six months. (3)... those six months, my team tried several things. (4) ... first we didn't have many ideas, but then we worked on one idea (5)... six weeks (6)... we realized that someone else had built it! (7)... that we decided on the idea of the balloons. (8) ... the end of the fourth month we had a good plan. ​


Ответ дал: timoxin2009


1) in

2) in

3) during

4) at

5) for

6) until

7) after

8) by

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