даю 20 балів допоможіть ​



Ответ дал: fvakyo

Відповідь: The best concert John has ever been to was Maxim's concert. He hasn't been to ane other concert since then. Linda thinks piano concerts are boring and old-fashioned. John doesn't care about being IN. He says what's in todays is out tomorrow.

He has built his own music world.

He has never been to any U2 concert.

Linda says there were a hungrednthousand people at the stadium. And mighty loudspeakers.

John heard the music because the whole city was echoing and shaking for twp hours... But he didn't like it. He prefers Mozart and Chopin.

Linda thinks he should listen to what all the young people are listening to.

They argue a little but in the end they conclude there is no point in arguing about tastes.

Everybody's taste is their personal choice.


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