I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect. 1. I (plan) my birthday party next weekend, and I (invite) everyone to it by Monday. 2. How many text messages (Ann / send) by the end of the month? I'm sure she (ask) me to lend her some money soon. 3. John (not complete) the cooking course by the end of June, and he (not look) for a job before the summer. 4. This film (finish) by seven o'clock so an hour later we (have) dinner in our favourite restaurant. 5. When (you/meet) Mr Brown? (you / talk) to him before the weekend? II. Use the prompts to make sentences. Use the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect. 1. I/ lose /2 kg / by the end of the month. 2. They / not/have/ pizza / for lunch / tomorrow. 3. you/bake / my birthday cake / by twelve o'clock? 4. We / not / leave / our jobs / before 2025. 5. Helen / work / in the kitchen / at six p.m​


Ответ дал: KvashkaAndSequt


  1. I am planning my birthday party next weekend, and I will have invited everyone to it by Monday.
  2. How many text messages will Ann have sent by the end of the month? I'm sure she will have asked me to lend her some money soon.
  3. John will not have completed the cooking course by the end of June, and he will not have looked for a job before the summer.
  4. This film will have finished by seven o'clock so an hour later we will be having dinner in our favourite restaurant.
  5. When will you meet Mr Brown? Will you have talked to him before the weekend?


  1. I will have lost 2 kg by the end of the month.
  2. They will not have pizza for lunch tomorrow.
  3. Will you have baked my birthday cake by twelve o'clock?
  4. We will not leave our jobs before 2025.
  5. Helen will be working in the kitchen at six p.m.
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