Writing. Task 2: Complete the sentences using to be going to 1. Susan and David (see) the film tonight. 7.1 2. My father 3. -No, 4. They 5. My sister Maria 6. - Philip and Frank Yes, She (buy) a new car have a birthday party? (not play) tennis this morning. (not live) in Madrid. write a letter? (visit) the dentist tomorrow.​


Ответ дал: vladvozhzhov

Відповідь:1. Susan and David are going to see the film tonight. 7.1 2. My father 3. -No, 4. They 5. My sister Maria 6. - Philip and Frank Yes, She is going to buy a new car have a birthday party? Isn`t going to play tennis this morning. Isn`t going to live in Madrid. write a letter? Is going to visit the dentist tomorrow.​


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