Срочно пожалуйста даю 52 б!!!
Answer the questions to the text.
9 points
Who was Thomas Edison?
What are his most famous inventions?
Was he really a genius?
Was he also a successful businessman ?
Do you agree that Edison's life and work were important for all people in the world?
At what age did Edison die?


Ответ дал: viktoriasemko03


1. Thomas Edison was a scientist and inventor.

2.Thomas Edyson improved the telegraph, telephone, cinema equipment, developed one of the first commercially successful variants of electric lamp heating, and a wine recorder. Having asked yourself to sing the word "hello" on the cob of the telephone.

3. 3. Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally retarded child. Thanks to his heroic mother, he became one of the greatest geniuses of his century.

4. Yes.

5. Yes.

6.84 years.

Ответ дал: comfort178

1)inventor and entrepreneur

2)Thomas Edison is most well known for his invention of the light bulb.

3)Yes, he is a true genius

4)Aside from being an inventor, Edison also managed to become a successful manufacturer and businessman,

5)Yes, I agree.

6)In 84 age

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