Read the theory. Listen and repeat the questions. 5 1 What are you going to do? 2 Is John coming too? 3 When are they going to come back? Are they seeing Ann tonight? 4​



Ответ дал: zylkybajamir


1. What are you going to do?

Tonight I'm going to make a delicious soup for dinner. (Ceгодня вечером я собираюсь приготовить вкусный суп на ужин.)

2. Is John coming too ?

No, John will stay at home. His mom got sick. (Нет, Джон останется дома. Его мама заболела.)

Yes, John will come. (Да, Джон придет.)

3. When are they going to come?

They will arrive at 17:00 (они прибудут в 17:00)

4. Are they seeing Ann tonight?

No, they won't see Ann today (Нет, они не

увидят сегодня Энн) Yes they'll see Anne tonight (Да, они увидят

сегодня Энн)

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