Допоможіть будь ласка!!!
Complete the sentence Past Simple
1. We (to read) a book yesterday
2. She (not to speak) English last year
3. You (to go) to the Zoo yesterday?
4. I (to watch) TV yesterday
5. Taras (not to write) the letter to his friend
6. He (to buy) a banana yesterday
7. You (to eat) an apple yesterday?
8. They (not to drink) some water last morning
9. Olena (to run) in the park last weekend ​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. We read a book yesterday.

2. She didn't speak English two years ago.

3. Did you go to the zoo yesterday?

4. I watched TV yesterday.

5. Taras didn't write the letter to his friend. He bought a banana yesterday.

7. Did you eat an apple yesterday?

8. They didn't drink some water last morning.

9. Olena ran in the park last weekend.


розповідне речення: див.дієслово- присудок у другій колонці таблички неправильних дієслів. Якщо там нема - додай закінчення -ed ( значить, дієслово правильне)

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