вставьте слова в предложения пожалуйста даю 20 баллов I watched a m_ _ _ _ _ _ last night, and I loved the singing and dancing. This is my favourite s_ _ _ _ _ – it’s so funny and the characters are great.
My mum loves p _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ and historical fiction because she’s interested in history.There’s been a huge fire – let’s watch the n_ _ _ b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ about it.
I live in a small v_ _ _ _ _ _ with about 200 houses.


Ответ дал: swemi

I watched a musical last night, and I loved the singing and dancing.

This is my favourite sitcom – it’s so funny and the characters are great.

My mum loves period dramas and historical fiction because she’s interested in history.

There’s been a huge fire – let's watch the news bulletin about it.

I live in a small village with about 200 houses.

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