4. There is no tea in ... cup. Is there any in ...? A) my, yours B) mine, your C) my, your 5. You can find... car near the supermarket. A) we B) our C) ours Yes, they are ... 6. Are these ... sunglasses? A) your, mine B) your, my C) yours, mine 7. What is the weather like in ... city today? A) your B) yours C) hers 8. ... books are here. Where are ... ? A) Mine, yours B) My, yours C) My, your 9. ... hobby is dancing, but ... is painting. A) My, hers B) Hers, mine C) Our, your 10. My sister is doing... homework on the computer. A) hers B) her C) his 11. It isn't... pencil.... is green. A) yours, my B) my, mine C) my, your 12. What colour is... trousers? A) your B) mine C) hers
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Ответ дал: ezzamarria



poladxasiyev4: Большое спасибо :)
Ответ дал: brookbook
There is no tea in my cup. Is there any in yours?
You can find our car near the supermarket.
Are these your sunglasses?
What is the weather like in your city today?
My books are here. Where are yours?
Her hobby is dancing, but mine is painting.
My sister is doing her homework on the computer.
It isn't your pencil. Mine is green.
What colour are your trousers?
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