42. This is my book, where is ...? A) yours B) our C) your 43. Whose hat is this? It is ... sister's hat. A) mine B) yours C)hers D) my 44. I can't find... umbrella. Can I borrow...? B) mine, yours A) my, yours C) my, your D) mine, your 45. I share the bedroom with ... sister. ... room is large and light. A) my, our B) mine, our C) my, ours D) mine, ours 46. This is my best friend.... name is Aysel. A) His B) Her C) Its D) Hers 47. Jim has one sister and one brother.... names are Ann and Nick. A) Their B) Your C) His D) Her 48. This is my dog. ... name is Max. B) Her A) His C) Its 49. - Hello! What is ... name? Hi! ... name is Sally. A) your, mine C) your, my 51. - Where is ... ruler? D) then 50. Melissa has one brother. ... name is John. A) Her B) Its C) Their D) His - You left it on ... desk. A) my, your C) my, yours B) yours, my D) yours, mine 52. - Is this your shirt ? No, it isn't ....... shirt is blue. A) my, Mine C) my, My A) my, mine C) our, we B) mine, your D) mine, yours B) mine, My D) mine, Mine 53. This bird has broken... wings. A) mine B) its C) theirs D) Their 54. That is not ... car, ... is in the garage. B) hers, her D) his, he 55. Is that computer ... ? A) his B) her C) their D) their D) your​


Ответ дал: brookbook
This is my book, where is your book?
Whose hat is this? It is her sister's hat.
I can't find my umbrella. Can I borrow yours?
I share the bedroom with my sister. Our room is large and light.
This is my best friend. Her name is Aysel.
Jim has one sister and one brother. Their names are Ann and Nick.
This is my dog. His name is Max.
Hello! What is your name? Hi! My name is Sally.
Melissa has one brother. His name is John.
You left it on my desk.
Where is my ruler?
Is this your shirt? No, it isn't. My shirt is blue.
This bird has broken its wings.
That is not her car, hers is in the garage.
Is that computer theirs?
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