Написати наступні речення в Past i Future Simple:
✓ He helps me.
✓ Do you often write letters to your brother?
✓Give me your hand.
✓ We have practice at a plant.
✓ The lesson is over.


Ответ дал: ezzamarria

✓ He helped me. He will help me.

✓ Did you often write letters to your brother? Will you write letters to your brother?

✓Give me your hand. — В этом предложении глагол находится в форме повелительного наклонения. Его нельзя поставить в отрицательную или вопросительную форму.

✓ We had practice at a plant. We will have practice at plant.

✓ The lesson was over. The lesson will be over.

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