2 Complete the questions with have to and then complete the short answers. Reporter: Pops: Reporter: 3 Pops: Reporter: Pops: Reporter: Pops: Pops, tell me about life on your parents' farm. 'Did you have to get up (get up) early in the morning? Yes, 2 School started at eight and it was five kilometres away. Reporter: Pops: you there? No, 5 on the farm? Yes, 6 of animals. 7 4 (your mum / drive) . I went on foot. (you / work) We had a lot (you / feed) them before school? No, 8 feed them in the afternoon. but I had to Were you happy? Was your life hard? Yes, it was, but it was a good life.​


Ответ дал: brookbook
Reporter: Pops, tell me about life on your parents' farm. Did you have to get up early in the morning?
Pops: Yes, I did.
Short answer: Yes, I did.

Reporter: Did your mum drive you to school?
Pops: No, she didn't. I went on foot.
Short answer: No, he didn't.

Reporter: Were you there?
Pops: No, I wasn't.
Short answer: No, he wasn't.

Reporter: Did you work on the farm?
Pops: Yes, I did. We had a lot of animals.
Short answer: Yes, he did.

Reporter: Did you have to feed them before school?
Pops: No, I didn't. I had to feed them in the afternoon.
Short answer: No, he didn't.

Reporter: Were you happy? Was your life hard?
Pops: Yes, my life was hard, but it was a good life.
Short answer: Yes, it was.
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