3 Choose the correct word. 1 Temperatures are expected to...... in the next few days. A lower B drop C sink D dip 2 Our recycling efforts have already had a positive...... on the environment. A impression B feeling C impact D mark 3 We've the point where we can no longer ignore the problem. A arrived **** B got C reached D come 4 As soon as the fog......, it started raining heavily. A raised B rose C drew up D lifted 5 Global warming is...... wildlife with extinction. A daring C warning B threatening D risking 6 Nature...... us with all we need to survive. A lends B provides C caters D stocks 7 We need to ............ a greater sense of responsibility. A develop B produce C form D grow 8 Never buy products that come from ...... animals. A risky C extinct B endangered D threatening 9 They joined WWF, the world's environmental organisation. A important B leading C unique D head 10 Explore the forest and discover what animals...... there. A inhabit B occupy C exist D locate​


Ответ дал: akuworth

1. Drop

2. Impact

3. Reached

4. Lifted

5. Threatening

6. Provides

7. Develop

8. Endangered

9. Leading

10. Inhabit

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