2) She is having breakfast with her parents now. (2 points) Who...? What ...? Task 6. Read the text and write questions to the given answers. Прочитайте текст і напишіть питання до поданих відповідей. (14 х 2 = 28 points) Our surname is Adams. We are from Toronto in Canada. My mum's name is Sarah. She is thirty-nine years old, and she is an engineer. My dad's name is Greg. He is an electrician, and he is forty-two. My sister's name is Linda, and my brother's name is David. Linda is fourteen and David is twelve. I am seventeen and I am a student. 1)... ? Our surname is Adams. 2)...? We are from Toronto in Canada. 3)... ? My mum's name is Sarah. 4)...? She is thirty-nine years old. 5)...? She is an engineer. 6)...? My dad's name is Greg. 7)... ? He is an electrician. 8)...? He is forty-two. 9)...? My sister's name is Linda. 10)...? My brother's name is David. 11)... ?Linda is fourteen. 12)... ? David is twelve. 13)... ? I am seventeen. 14)... ?I am a student. Task 7. Answer the following questions. Write dates in words as in the example. Дaume sidnoвidi на noдaнi питання. Напишіть дати словами, скориставшись зразком. (5 х 2 = 10 points) e.g. When is your mum's birthday?- My mum's birthday is on the twenty-fifth of September. 1. When is your mum's birthday? 2. When is your dad's birthday? 3. When is your sister's (or brother's) birthday? 4. When is your granddad's birthday? 5. When is your grandma's birthday? Task 8. Read the text and fill in the gaps in the sentences using the possessive case ('s). Ilpoчumaùme meксm i заповніть пропуски у реченнях, використовуючи присвійний відмінок ('s). (12 x 2 = 24 points) MY FAMILY by Emily Adams George and Mary are married. They have a daughter Ann and a son David. Ann is married to John. They have two daughters: Cathy and Louise. David is married to Kelly. They have a son: Stephen. 1) George is... husband. 2) Mary is... wife. 3) Ann is... daughter. 4) David is ... son. 5) Ann is... wife. 6) John is... husband. 7) Cathy and Louise are... daughters. 8) Stephen is... son. 9) Cathy and Louise are... nieces. 10) George and Mary are .... grandparents. 11) Ann is... aunt. 12) David is... uncle. Total 100 points​



Ответ дал: goomyyy


What is the surname of the family?

Where are they from?

What is the name of the mother?

How old is the mother?

What is the mother's profession?

What is the name of the father?

What is the father's profession?

How old is the father?

What is the name of the sister?

What is the name of the brother?

How old is the sister?

How old is the brother?

How old is the speaker?

What is the occupation of the speaker?

When is your mum's birthday?

When is your dad's birthday?

When is your sister's (or brother's) birthday?

When is your granddad's birthday?

When is your grandma's birthday?

George is Mary's husband.

Mary is George's wife.

Ann is George and Mary's daughter.

David is George and Mary's son.

Ann is John's wife.

John is Ann's husband.

Cathy and Louise are Ann and John's daughters.

Stephen is David and Kelly's son.

Cathy and Louise are Ann's nieces.

George and Mary are Cathy and Louise's grandparents.

Ann is Cathy and Louise's aunt.

David is Cathy and Louise's uncle.


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