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Shrek is a fantastic, animated film, directed by a. adamson and vicky jenson.the story takes place in an imaginary land where people and fairy tale creatures live together. the main characters are shrek, donkey, princess fiona and lord farquaad. mike myers does shrek's voice, eddie murphy does donkey's and cameron diaz is princess fiona. shrek is an ogre. he is a very big and scary green creature that lives in a smelly old swamp. he has a happy and quiet life until lord farquaad decides to move all the fairy tale creatures to his swamp. shrek is not happy about this decision. he and donkey go to lord farquaad to talk to him about the problem. lord farquaad tells shrek that he can get his home back but only if he saves princess fiona from a castle and brings her to him. farquaad wants to marry fiona. at the castle, shrek and donkey have to fight a dangerous dragon. this film is well worth seeing. it tells an amusing story and is also a great adventure film. i strongly recommend shrek for those who are looking for a film that the whole family can enjoy.


Ответ дал: vitach7

Ответ: fantastic, animated, imaginary, main, scary, happy, quiet, fairy tale, dangerous, amusing, great, whole.


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