Task 2. Change the sentences from direct to indirect
1. My mother said to me. "Put on your coat!" 2. My friend said to us. "Don't come today." 3. Have you been to London?
4. Karrie said to me, "Call me tomorrow."
5. My friend said me "Can I take this book? 6. "I saw the waterfall, too"- She said that 7. "We haven't visited the glacier yet" They said that​



Ответ дал: ezzamarria


1. My mother told me to put on my coat.

2. My friend asked us not to come that day.

3. My friend asked me if I'd ever been to London.

4. Karrie asked me to call her the next day.

5. My friend asked me if he could take that book.

6. She said she'd seen the waterfall too.

7. They said they hadn't visited the glacier yet.


Если требуется перевести предложение в косвенную речь, то время в нем обычно меняется. Так, present perfect становится past perfect, past simple — past perfect и т. д.

Если в прямой речи содержится просьба, то глагол said (сказал) надо менять на asked (попросил):

My friend said to us. "Don't come today." Мой друг сказал нам: "Не приходите сегодня".

В прямой речи содержится просьба, здесь есть слово said. Его надо заменить на asked:

My friend asked us not to come that day. Мой друг попросил нас, чтобы мы сегодня не приходили.

Today заменяется на that day, tomorrow на the next day, this на that.

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