Comlete the following sentences with a/an,the or no article.

1)-Let`s take .......... Sport for .......... walk.
-That`s .......... good idea.
2)He will go to .........Great Britian .......... next year.
3).........Smiths visited ..........Russia ..........last month.
4) week we`ll have .......... party.I`ll be ........... rabbit.
5).........Jack speaks ..............English well.
6).........English is..............second lesson today.
7)Who tennis-player in............class.
8)Yesterday i film. was bad.
9)..........last month he bought...........interesting book.He to me.
10)I shall put coat. ..........coat is black and white.


Ответ дал: nunny
1) - Let`s take Sport for a walk. - That`s a good idea.
2) He will go to Great Britian next year.
3) The Smiths visited Russia last month.
4) Next week we`ll have a party. I`ll be a rabbit.
5) Jack speaks English well.
6) English is the second lesson today.
7) Who is the best tennis-player in the class.
8) Yesterday I saw a new film. The film was bad.
9) Last month he bought an interesting book.He gave the book to me.
10) I shall put on a/the (оба варианта приемлемы) new coat. The coat is black and white.

Ответ дал: НикушкаПлюс
1)-Let`s take Sport for a walk.
-That`s good idea.
2)He will go to Great Britian next year.
3)The Smiths visited Russia last month.
4)next week we`ll have party.I`ll be a rabbit.
5)Jack speaks English well.
6)English is..............second lesson today.
7)Who is.the best tennis-player in.the class.
8)Yesterday i saw.a new film.The film was bad.
9)last month he boughtan.interesting book.He gave book to me.
10)I shall put on a new coat. coat is black and white.

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