3 What do you think about these things happening? Use the words in exercise 2. 1 You toss a coin and get heads. 2 Tomorrow you've got three arms. 3 New Year's Day is 1st January next year. 4 It will be cold in January. 5 The next cat you see will be white. 6 7 Pigs will fly. You pass your next English test. 8 Real Madrid wins the next European Cup. 9 There are green men on Mars. no Tomorrow will be sunny.​


Ответ дал: hypefaq

Короткий вариант:

1. Coin toss getting heads is a 50/50 probability.

2. Growing a third arm is impossible.

3. New Year's Day is a fixed date.

4. January is typically a cold month.

5. Next cat's color is uncertain.

6. "Pigs flying" is figurative for impossible.

7. Passing an English test is achievable with effort.

8. Winning a competition is uncertain.

9. No evidence of green men on Mars.

10. If the forecast says sunny, it has a reasonable chance of being accurate.

Более длинный ответ:

1. Getting heads after tossing a coin is a random event that has a 50/50 chance of happening. It's not surprising or unusual, just a simple outcome of probability.

2. It's highly unlikely that anyone would suddenly grow an extra arm, so this is a fantastical and impossible scenario.

3. New Year's Day is a fixed date on the calendar, so it's a predictable event that we can plan for and celebrate.

4. January is typically a cold month in many parts of the world, so this is a reasonable and expected forecast.

5. The color of the next cat one sees is uncertain and impossible to predict, so this statement is speculative and unlikely to be accurate.

6. Pigs flying is a figurative expression that means something impossible happening, so this statement is not meant to be taken literally.

7. Passing an English test is an achievable goal that depends on one's preparation and effort, so this statement is realistic and positive.

8. The outcome of a sports competition is uncertain and depends on many factors, so this statement is speculative and dependent on future events.

9. There is currently no evidence of green men or any other life forms on Mars, so this statement is purely fictional and not based on reality.

10. Predicting the weather is not an exact science, but if the forecast says tomorrow will be sunny, it is based on current weather patterns and has a reasonable chance of being accurate.

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