ПОМОГИИИИИИИИ ПЖПЖПЖ ДАМ МНОГО БЛВ Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 That jacket belongs to .

A me B my C mine

2 You can have my ring if I can have !

A your B yours C you

3 We like your house but we prefer .

A us B ours C our

4 Maria has a lot of DVDs but she says this one isn’t


A her B she C hers

5 I often lend my friends my computer games but they

don’t lend me .

A theirs B them C they

6 This is your dictionary, so where’s ?

A mine B my C me

7 David likes my friends but I don’t really like

. They aren’t very friendly.

A him B he C his

8 Do you want to come with this evening?

We’re going for a pizza.

A ours B us C our



Ответ дал: lukutin69



1 B my

2 C you

3 C our

4 C hers

5 A theirs

6 A mine

7 A him

8 B us

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