Phrases for your story:

I am personally interested in a career…
Since my
childhood I wanted to be…
These careers require…
I thought it would allow me to develop my key skills…
I liked to belong…
Now I plan to go on to…


Ответ дал: lukutin69



Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah. Since her childhood, she wanted to be a doctor. Her parents were both doctors, and she grew up surrounded by medical textbooks and stories about their work. Sarah was always fascinated by the human body and how it worked.

As she grew older, Sarah became more and more interested in pursuing a career in medicine. She loved the idea of helping people and making a difference in their lives. She also thought it would allow her to develop her key skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving.

Sarah researched the different paths she could take to become a doctor and realized that it would require years of hard work and dedication. She would have to excel in her academic studies, gain clinical experience, and pass difficult exams. But Sarah was determined to make it happen.

As she began her medical training, Sarah discovered that she also liked to belong to a community of like-minded individuals who were all working towards a common goal. She made many friends among her classmates and found that they were all passionate about medicine and helping others.

Now, Sarah plans to go on to specialize in pediatrics. She is excited about the opportunity to work with children and make a positive impact on their lives. She knows that it will be a challenging career, but she is prepared to work hard and do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

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