do You L an 2 disappointed sure decision ridiculous major fail mistake television Vicky Hey, Jenny. Are you getting ready for the dance competition? Jenny No. I'm not going to take part in it this year. Vicky You can't be serious! 'The Swing' is a (1) It's even going to be on (2) Jenny I know. Vicky When did you make that (3) Jenny Vicky Don't be (5) ? A few days ago. I'm just not ready for a competition and I don't want to (4) event! The competition is in six months. And you're the best dancer I've ever met! Jenny OK, I'll think about it. Vicky Make (6) this year. you do.​


Ответ дал: tekehirotsuji


1) major

2) television

3) decision

4) ridiculous

5) fail

6) sure

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