5 Complete the conversation using the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Max: Hi, Laura. What 1 were you doing (you / do) yesterday afternoon? I tried to chat, but you dic
reply. 2
(you/play) tennis?
Laura: Hello, Max. No, 1 3
Max: Really? The sun 5
Laura: Well, it 6
Max: No. 18
house for a party.
(not play) tennis. It 4
(shine) here.
(not shine) here! I didn't switch on my computer becau
(watch) TV. There was a great film on. Did you see it?
(help) my parents. They 9
(clean) the house, too.
Laura: My dad 10
Max: 11
(he/get) ready for a party?
Laura: No, we're going to sell the house. We're going to move to America.
Max: What! When? You can't ...
Laura: Max...
Max: Yes?
Laura: | 12
(wind) you up!
прошу время за два часа нцжно сделать умоляю срочно



Ответ дал: kulyadenis1984

Ответ:Max: Hi, Laura. What were you doing (you/do) yesterday afternoon? I tried to chat, but you didn't reply. 2

(were/you play) tennis?

Laura: Hello, Max. No, I wasn't playing tennis yesterday afternoon.

Max: Really? The sun was shining (shine) here.

Laura: Well, it wasn't shining (not shine) here! I didn't switch on my computer because I was watching (watch) TV. There was a great film on. Did you see it?

Max: No. I was helping (help) my parents. They were cleaning (clean) the house, too.

Laura: My dad was getting (he/get) ready for a party?

Max: No. What's happening?

Laura: No, we're going to sell the house. We're going to move to America.

Max: What! When? You can't ...

Laura: Max...

Max: Yes?

Laura: I was winding (wind) you up!


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