clean wash give watch have help make play the dishes please, television, please children? you we 2 you you. Mum? 3 you Dad? We're hungry. a pizza for us, please 4 you homework, please? we the house. me with my in the park? It's hot in 5 6 7 1 a sandwich, please? us some ice cream, please? 8 please? the living room

szakaran742: Умоляюююююю


Ответ дал: sprikeyt
  1. Clean the dishes, please.
  2. Can you help me with the television, please?
  3. Mum, can you make a pizza for us, please? Dad, we're hungry.
  4. Can you help us with our homework, please?
  5. Can you wash the house, please? (Note: I'm not entirely sure what "wash the house" means, so this may not be the best response.)
  6. Can you give us a sandwich, please?
  7. Can you play with me in the park? It's hot.
  8. Can you please clean the living room? And can you also give us some ice cream, please?

szakaran742: Спосибоооо❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
icefice867: Помогите мнее))
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