Exercise 35. Change the following into the Past 1. His father works at a plant. 2. I often see them in the park. 3. Do your pupils read English books? 4. Her mother teaches chemistry at school. 5. We don't know his address. 6. He gets up, washes, dresses, has breakfast and goes to school. 7. Does the doctor speak English? 8. We understand the rule. 9. My friend doesn't like such films. 10. In summer we pick berries and mush- rooms. 11. They don't change trains there. 12. This worker re- pairs his car himself. 2.2.1 It is a hen
поможіть пж​


Ответ дал: loxik14

His father worked at a plant.

I often saw them in the park.

Did your pupils read English books?

Her mother taught chemistry at school.

We didn't know his address.

He got up, washed, dressed, had breakfast and went to school.

Did the doctor speak English?

We understood the rule.

My friend didn't like such films.

In summer we picked berries and mushrooms.

They didn't change trains there.

This worker repaired his car himself

It was a hen.

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