A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1 Something (be) wrong with the computer. I just shut down.
2. They. (be) wrong with the computer. It just shut down. (not, have) a lot of money when they were young. (break) my wrist. (fall) off a tree and, 3. 1. Something 4. My sister. 5. We 6. 1. 7. Luke and Hannah 8. Mrs. Billings 9. My brother Josh 10. Julie (leave) the house 10 minutes ago. (not, buy) a new car for Peter. He (not, get) any e-mails yesterday. (grow up) together. (buy) it himself. (see) a burglar in her backyard last night. She (get) really scared so she (hide) under her bed. (forget) his girlfriend's birthday last January. (win) an award for the best screenplay in 2010.​



Ответ дал: li96u


Something was wrong with the computer. I just shut it down. (depending on the context)

There was something wrong with the computer. It just shut down. They didn't have a lot of money when they were young. I broke my wrist. I fell off a tree and broke my wrist.

My sister left the house 10 minutes ago.

We didn't buy a new car for Peter.

He didn't get any emails yesterday.

Luke and Hannah grew up together.

Mrs. Billings bought it herself.

My brother Josh saw a burglar in her backyard last night. She got really scared so she hid under her bed.

Julie forgot his girlfriend's birthday last January.

He won an award for the best screenplay in 2010.

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