Imagine you are spending a weekend at a new sports centre near your town. Write an email to your cousin. Remember to begin and end your email correctly. Use questions 1-4 to help you. Write 70-90 words.пожалуйста срочно



Ответ дал: nallynally

Dear Cousin,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share with you about my weekend experience at the new sports centre near my town. It was an exciting experience with lots of activities to choose from. I spent my Saturday morning playing tennis, and in the afternoon, I joined a group fitness class. On Sunday, I tried indoor rock climbing, which was challenging but fun.

Have you ever been to a sports centre? What kind of activities do you enjoy doing? Do you want to join me next time? I'm sure we will have a great time together.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

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