Написати невеликий (10-12 речень) твір про будь-який природний об’єкт України, який ви відвідували. Якщо ви ніяких природних об’єктів не відвідували, напишіть про місце, де вам хотілося б побувати і чому. У цьому творі вам треба підкреслити усі артиклі (окрім нульового). Також вам треба використати та підкреслити хоча б три слова з лексики (лексику можна знайти в кінці відеоуроку номер 23).



Ответ дал: Скориков


During my travels through Ukraine, I had the opportunity to visit the Carpathian Mountains, a natural wonder in the western region of the country. The Carpathians are the longest mountain range in Ukraine, and they offer breathtaking views of green valleys, rivers, and forests. As I hiked through the mountains, I was struck by the beauty and diversity of the flora and fauna that call this region home. I spotted a variety of animals, including brown bears and wolves, as well as rare species of birds, such as the golden eagle. The Carpathians are also home to numerous waterfalls and caves, including the famous Shypit waterfall and the deepest cave in Ukraine, the Optimistic Cave. Overall, my visit to the Carpathian Mountains was an unforgettable experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves nature and adventure.


Articles used: the, a, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the.

Vocabulary: natural wonder, mountain range, breathtaking views, green valleys, fauna, brown bears, wolves, rare species, birds, waterfalls, caves, adventure.

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