2. Read the text again. Match questions 1-9 with the restaurants. Write DWD (Der Weiner Deewan), SK (Soul Kitchen) or LA (Lentil As Anything). Where.. do they grow some of the food they serve? do they use recipes from different countries? can you pay for your food or work? can you choose from four restaurants with the same name? can you play music? can you eat at any time of the day? can you get a three-course meal? can you put the food you want on your plate? can't you eat meat дам 100 балов ​



Ответ дал: sergeydoow


Where do they grow some of the food they serve? - LA

Do they use recipes from different countries? - DWD

Can you pay for your food or work? - LA

Can you choose from four restaurants with the same name? - SK

Can you play music? - SK

Can you eat at any time of the day? - LA

Can you get a three-course meal? - DWD

Can you put the food you want on your plate? - LA

Can't you eat meat? - LA


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