Complete the words in the conversations. The first letter of each word is given. Conversation 1 A: Dad, Dad, Dad! Can we go the new theme park on Saturday? B: Hmm, I don't really like roller coasters. How about going to see a film at the 'c ? Conversation 2 A: My nails are horrible. I'm going for a m this afternoon. B: Are you sure you can ³a_ enough money left? it? Do you have Conversation 3 A: I'm going to the Alps in February and I'd like a new of skis. 4p B: Certainly, sir. This pair is on special so They are half price at the moment.​


Ответ дал: elizaafina


Conversation 1 A: Dad, Dad, Dad! Can we go the new theme park on Saturday? B: Hmm, I don't really like roller coasters. How about going to see a film at the cinema? Conversation 2 A: My nails are horrible. I'm going for a manicure this afternoon. B: Are you sure you can pay enough money left? Do you have it? Conversation 3 A: I'm going to the Alps in February and I'd like a new pair of skis. B: Certainly, sir. This pair is on special so they are half price at the moment.


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