Виконайте це завдання.
Complete the sentences:
a) The famous songs … (sing) by the
band last evening.
b) The play … (perform) in the new
c) The charity concerts … (orginize) by a famous conductor.
d) The Opera House … (visit) a lot
of tourists last year.
“Moonlight Sonata” … (create) by Ludwig van Beethoven.
f) “Storm” … (write) by Antonio Vivaldi.
g) This violin … (made) for my sister.
h) A lot of operas … (show) in this Opera
and Ballet Theatre.


Ответ дал: paroplav1337



a) The famous songs were sung by the band last evening.

b) The play was performed in the new theatre.

c) The charity concerts were organized by a famous conductor.

d) The Opera House was visited by a lot of tourists last year.

e) “Moonlight Sonata” was created by Ludwig van Beethoven.

f) “Storm” was written by Antonio Vivaldi.

g) This violin was made for my sister.

h) A lot of operas are shown in this Opera and Ballet Theatre.

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