1. Open the brackets using Past Continuous or Past Simple: 1. We ......... our homework at 3 o'clock yesterday, we 2. Our brother ..... when the doorbell ..... (study, ring) 3. What.... you..... when your sister ......? ( do, come) 4. I........ while my friends..... (sunbathe, swim) 5. He..... breakfast when it raining (have, start) 6. What.....? (happen) - I...... my hand while I ..... an omelette. (burn, make) 7. While we ..... at the bus stop, we .... Sam. (wait, see) (not do, sleep) 8. When ..... you.... home yesterday? (come) 9. He...... the plants while his father .... the grass (water, cut) 10. Where..... ( you /be) in the evening?​



Ответ дал: fokib54


We finished our homework at 3 o'clock yesterday, we went to the park after that.

Our brother was studying when the doorbell rang.

What were you doing when your sister came?

I was sunbathing while my friends were swimming.

He was having breakfast when it started raining.

What happened? - I burned my hand while I was making an omelette.

While we were waiting at the bus stop, we saw Sam.

When did you come home yesterday?

He was watering the plants while his father was cutting the grass.

Where were you in the evening?


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