❤️ Дуже терміново ❤️ Допоможіть, будь ласка, написати ці речення аглійською мовою. Тільки, будь ласка, не з перекладача.



Ответ дал: Privet472


1)Yesterday at ten o'clock we wrote a dictation

2)they had dinner at half past seven

3)I was not watching TV at this time yesterday. I was washing dishes in the kitchen

4)she talked to her teacher for twenty minutes

5)at this time last Tuesday we were returning from the supermarket

6)Was he waiting for you yesterday at seven o'clock? Yes

7)Did you work in the garden yesterday afternoon? no we visited aunt

8)He slept yesterday at two o'clock. No, he taught a poem


verakarayw: Это получается везде Past Continuous?
Privet472: да
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