9 класс помогите пожалуйста
Camden Market is .......... all the markets in London.
A the busiest of
C busy as
B as busy as
D so busy than
14. Frank bought a(n) ........ table at the furniture market.
A wooden, Chinese, old, nice
B old, Chinese, nice, wooden
C nice, old, Chinese, wooden
D Chinese, wooden, nice, old
15. ......... pupils were absent.
A Few
C Little
B Much
D A little
16. ....... my mother and father are teachers.
A Neither
C Both
B Either
D Each
17. ................. a woman on the phone who wants to talk to the manager.
A It is
C There is
B It looks like
D There seems to be
18. The shopping mall was ................ than I imagined it would be.
A less crowded
C so crowded
B a little crowded
D the least crowded
19. Bob looks ........ his younger sister when his parents are at work.
A after
C for
B forward
D out
20. ....... I have another piece of cake, please?
A Shall
C Should
B Will
D May
21. This road runs ............... the mountains and in winter it sometimes gets blocked by snow.
A in
B for
C through
D by
22. According ............... experts, millions of people are at risk from flooding.
A by
B for
C with
D to
23. Why don’t we go camping this weekend instead ............... just staying at
A to
B with
C of
D for
24. There are ............... least 7,700 different species that live in caves.
A in
B of
C by
D at


Ответ дал: Mat1Z

C nice, old, Chinese, wooden

A Few

C Both

D There seems to be

A less crowded

A after

A Shall

C through

D to

C of

A in

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